Most companies have a purpose statement, but few have the level of purpose required to attract star talent. Most companies have values on their walls, but few live those values in a way that delivers on their brand promises to customers. The more your purpose, values and brand connect to your unique organizational identity — essentially your organizational strengths — the more they will jump off the website and into the hearts and minds of your people.
This workshop is designed to help organizations — and the people in them — be the best versions of themselves possible, or at least start that journey. We will help you to wrap your purpose, values and brand around your company’s strengths and live that purpose out every day as a manager, coach or individual contributor.
- Explore your company’s strengths.
- Connect your company’s strengths to your purpose, values and brand.
- Create differentiated versions of your purpose, values and brand that no one else could use because they are so uniquely yours.