2023 Gallup at Work Summit Agenda

All times listed are Central Daylight Time.

5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

Welcome Reception
(In-person only at Gallup's Riverfront Campus)

Begin your Gallup at Work Summit experience at the Welcome Reception, where you can check in, get your event credentials and start creating new connections. Don’t miss this opportunity to network and enjoy snacks and refreshments!

8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.

Breakfast & Registration

8:15 a.m.-8:45 a.m.

Optional Information Session


At Gallup, we believe successful relationships and collaboration lead to greater outcomes than we can accomplish independently. In this session, Gallup business leaders will give more information about the different ways certified coaches, innovators and advocates of Gallup sciences can interact with Gallup. From courses and content to technology and affiliate sales, serious business-minded people have many opportunities to collaborate with Gallup. Visit this session to learn more!

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9:00 a.m.-9:45 a.m.

Keynote Kickoff

Jon Clifton Headshot

Jon Clifton


Ronald Mason, Jr., J.D. Headshot

Ronald Mason, Jr., J.D.

University of the District of Columbia

9:45 a.m.-10:00 a.m.


10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.

Breakout Sessions


A network of Engagement Champions can help support shifts in behavior that inspire engagement, foster collaboration and connect employees more deeply to their manager, team and the organization. The decisions the organization makes about who to develop into this role can profoundly impact your company’s engagement and performance. The goal is to have a talented, knowledgeable and passionate team of Engagement Champions with a strategy to support your organization in creating a great working environment of thriving teams.

In this session, we’ll explore how to select the right Engagement Champions and how an Engagement Champion program can enable a culture of engagement. We’ll learn how to provide clear expectations for champions and create an effective strategy to partner with managers and leaders within the organization.


  • Identify the skills, knowledge and talent needed to be an Engagement Champion.
  • Understand how an Engagement Champion program can enable an engagement culture.
  • Learn how to establish clear expectations and a strategy before starting a program.
  • Explore best practices from Engagement Champions and avoid pitfalls.
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Burnout is a key issue managers face in the workplace as team members struggle with challenges like competing priorities and miscommunication. Yet employees who strongly agree that they feel supported by their manager are about 70% less likely to experience burnout on a regular basis. This highlights the important role managers play in fostering positive employee experiences and addressing stressors at work.

This session will explore the signs of burnout, contributing workplace factors that amplify it, and practical interventions to help managers target burnout and increase wellbeing.


  • Learn how managers can identify burnout and what to do when you find it.
  • Explore interventions that are more likely to succeed and why others may fall short.
  • Understand how to target wellbeing and burnout.
  • Compare what an instinctive reaction may look like versus what actually works.
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Coaching is a broadly defined activity referred to in the world of people development. However, the craft of coaching goes beyond a “nice” conversation. It is a practical activity that results in observable outcomes, performance and growth. Coaching is a multibillion-dollar industry, actively sought in highly competitive fields such as entertainment, sports and business. Join us to learn the coaching essentials you can apply in your role, business and life. Due to popular demand, this is an updated version of the 2022 Gallup at Work Summit breakout session.


  • Learn the essentials of an effective coaching process.
  • Explore techniques to sharpen your coaching craft.
  • Discover key elements of coaching that lead to action beyond intellectual discoveries.
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The engagement of leadership teams is crucial for the success of an organization. Senior leaders establish an organizational vision and invest considerable time and resources in making organizational strategy successful. Helping leadership teams work together more effectively has the potential to increase engagement, positively impact culture and enhance performance. In this session, a Gallup expert on leadership will share how our new CliftonStrengths for Leaders report can serve as a tool for understanding team dynamics and helping leadership teams aim those insights at key organizational objectives.


  • Learn what great leadership teams do differently.
  • Explore how to use the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report to understand team dynamics and ways of working.
  • Aim strengths at team effectiveness to help leaders inspire and engage their followers.
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Day requirements, mandates, policy updates. These are just a few things leaders are doing to try to get employees in the office more often. Using new rules and mandates to get their way often leads to negative feelings instead of excitement. What if leaders lead with reasons to come back instead of rules?

This session will explore data, trends and examples from hundreds of large organizations around a reasons-based approach to policymaking for remote, hybrid and on-site working requirements.


  • Explore a few examples of reasons-based requirements.
  • Consider co-located team versus distributed team scenarios.
  • Explore 2023 data and trends from hundreds of the largest companies.
  • Think through regional differences, shifting employee expectations and more.
  • Consider how flexibility applies to front-line workers who need to be on-site.
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11:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.


11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Breakout Sessions


“How do I make CliftonStrengths part of the daily conversations in my organization?”

There are very few questions we are asked as often as this and we have found one of the most powerful ways to answer it. Connecting the 34 CliftonStrengths themes to the organization’s values, competencies and expectations makes them part of the organization’s lifeblood and gives each person insights on how to best use their unique strengths to live out those ideals with excellence every day.

In this session, participants will explore Gallup’s approach to CliftonStrengths mapping to better understand how the practical application of strengths every day helps organizations realize the values and expectations they hold to be most important.


  • Learn how CliftonStrengths can help individuals support and realize an organization’s values and expectations.
  • Gain practical ways to embed strengths into your organization.
  • Explore examples of theme mapping to determine how you can leverage this approach.
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Providing leaders with honest feedback about their performance is essential to helping them improve their outcomes. Constituency feedback enables leaders to see beyond their own perspective — to hear from direct reports, peers and senior leaders about their performance in their role. When collected and shared in a structured way, leaders identify real objectives at which their strengths can be aimed. Learn how to incorporate constituency feedback into your leadership coaching to bring role-relevant action to development.


  • Learn ways to systematize the collection of constituent feedback for your leaders.
  • Explore how constituency feedback can enhance both performance management and development for leaders.
  • Discover ways to help leaders use their strengths to take action on constituency feedback.
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How do you keep team coaching sessions from being repetitive and stale? How do you keep teams engaged? How do you keep team sessions impactful to help members work together seamlessly and reach their goals? This session will walk you through a few new techniques to keep your content fresh, relevant and engaging, with examples and useful tips to create team-level experiences designed to facilitate collaboration and inspire continued development beyond your direct influence as a coach. Walk away from this session with new activities you can use in your next team coaching session.


  • Explore how to cultivate trust and safety in your team coaching sessions.
  • Identify tactics you can use to facilitate client growth.
  • Discover techniques to help evoke awareness during team coaching sessions.
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The core workforce listening post for many organizations is the annual employee engagement survey. This survey, on its own, is insufficient to stay fully abreast of rapidly changing employee sentiment. With the addition of internal and external listening posts such as focus groups, stay interviews, pulse surveys, social media and customer feedback, organizations can obtain real-time responses to stay ahead of coming challenges. Further, by using modern data architecture and analytic tools, organizations can capture connected insights with greater strategic value. Join this session to explore how you can advance your workforce listening strategy for greater success.


  • Discover why designing a workforce listening strategy is important today.
  • Broaden your perspective on the types of listening posts that are available.
  • Examine data collection considerations to help determine method and mode.
  • Review case studies and best practices.
  • Learn how modern data architecture supports deeper listening.
  • Plan what you can do now to advance your listening strategy.
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Gallup has found that only two of every 10 employees feel connected to their company culture. Why do you care? What if we told you that those two employees are 3.7 times as likely to be more engaged and 68% less likely to feel burned out? Join this session to dive into Gallup’s global indicators around culture and the impact it has when people understand it and know how to live it out. Explore how a culture audit can help you understand the current state of your organization and lay out a roadmap for a positive culture transformation.


  • Understand how to uncover what your current state of culture looks like today.
  • Explore how to determine what an ideal culture would look like and develop goals about its future state.
  • Discover steps that will shift your culture from its current to its future state by focusing on prioritization, action and sustainment.
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12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Lunch Break & Networking

1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.

Breakout Sessions


Organizations rely heavily on the profession of coaching — to the tune of billions of dollars per year — to build on the competence and impact of their leaders and to drive positive organizational impact. Many very successful coaching models lead with an approach that focuses on being curious and asking great questions, but often coaches find themselves in scenarios that require advice-giving. Some call this a consultative approach to coaching. This session will focus on when asking may lead to advising and how, as a coach, we can better understand how to balance these approaches to ultimately have the most positive impact possible on those being coached and the organizations they are part of.


  • Learn the differences between asking and advising to better determine which is more useful in the client experience.
  • Discover how to identify clues when considering whether to ask or advise by noticing trends in client behaviors and emotions.
  • Develop ways to move leaders to action through advice while also cultivating learning and growth.
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Getting the most out of your organization’s leadership development program depends upon having a systematic way to identify leadership potential in the first place. Are you spending time and money developing the people who truly have the potential to lead in a strengths-based, engagement-focused and performance-oriented manner? The needs of the workforce are changing and your organization’s process for identifying potential has to change accordingly. Learn about the critical variables you must consider when building your approach to leadership potential identification to maximize your future human capital investment.


  • Learn about the key variables to consider when designing an objective approach to leadership identification.
  • Discover ways to expand your leadership potential pipeline by identifying future managers and leaders earlier and investing in their development.
  • Explore how to create experiences and opportunities for future leaders to enhance their readiness.
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Many believe remote and hybrid work decreases collaboration, communication and culture. What if we told you it doesn’t have to be this way? Join this myth-busting session to make sense of the data and experiences of remote and hybrid workforces and discover real strategies for engaging different employees in different work environments. Learn practical strategies from a manager of a large, global, highly matrixed, multigenerational, remote/hybrid team who will demonstrate with data, as well as tactics, that remote/hybrid teams can thrive and succeed. Collaboration, connection and culture are achievable outcomes with the right leadership.


  • Learn how to create a thriving performance culture with a remote/hybrid team.
  • Understand the data to create workable, practical solutions for your team and organization.
  • Build a resilient team with strong wellbeing, engagement and collaboration.
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You’ve done a culture audit and have a good understanding of your culture — how work gets done, how beliefs and values shape employee attitudes, and the specific ways in which leadership, process, structures and systems influence employee engagement. But now what? How do you go about formulating a plan to transform your current culture into the culture you strive to have? In this session, a Gallup culture expert will share strategies, tactics and best practices to take what you learned in a culture audit and use it for a real culture transformation. It is recommended that attendees join Quantifying Your Workplace: Why a Culture Audit Is Critical to Your Organization’s Success, which takes place right before this session, for the foundational content this session will build upon.


  • Learn to translate culture insights into strategies for culture transformation.
  • Discover ways to integrate the understanding of your culture into the employee experience.
  • Identify ways to drive the adoption of cultural elements, values and expected behaviors.
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In a world of global diversity, what happens when CliftonStrengths themes meet various cultural realities across borders? Does culture affect the expression of CliftonStrengths themes around the world? Do dominant talents look the same in the United Kingdom and China, or are they different? As strengths coaching continues to grow worldwide and across more cultures, there is an imminent need for coaches to flex and optimize their approach to clients’ cultural contexts. In this session, we will explore how the cultural expression of CliftonStrengths may affect your coaching. This session will expand on the Certified-Coaches Learning Series session and take you a step further in applying this concept with practical tactics for your team or in your coaching.


  • Explore data to understand the diverse expression of CliftonStrengths in a multicultural context.
  • Learn how to upgrade your coaching skills to stay relevant when coaching culturally diverse teams representing multiple nationalities.
  • Discover tips to pivot and flex your coaching style to your client’s cultural reality.
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2:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.


3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

Breakout Sessions


Managers are being asked to do more than ever before. Between juggling how to manage a hybrid workforce, hiring and retaining employees in a difficult labor market, and dealing with differing generational work attitudes and needs, it is no surprise that data shows managers have the highest burnout and lowest wellbeing rates. While they are focused on the development of their team, often they themselves are getting little development and investment. Attend this session to learn more about how to meet the need for investment in managers — and how to design development that equips your managers and leaders for the changing workplace.


  • Discover key offerings and development that managers need to fight burnout.
  • Create a development and engagement strategy to retain your best managers and leaders.
  • Learn how to help managers balance their ability to coach and mentor others while also ensuring they get the coaching and mentoring they need.
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When executives seek out a coach, they want a trusted adviser who can share best practices and provide helpful frameworks and research to guide their decision-making. Join this session to learn from coaching experts how to provide leaders with impactful consultative insights. Hear key findings from three experienced executive coaches. Explore their lessons learned while providing best practices from their many experiences. This is an interactive session, so bring your best questions about coaching executives!


  • Discover techniques to help you better define or reconfirm measures of success for what the client needs from the coaching session.
  • Explore how to cultivate learning and growth by providing resources and support and helping to navigate potential barriers proactively.
  • Learn new ways to cultivate trust and safety between the coach and the client.


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Organizations are facing unprecedented workforce disruptions — a nationwide downward trend in engagement, global challenges in human wellbeing, transitions in a hybrid workplace, lack of interdepartmental collaboration, quiet quitting and more. Join this session for a brief overview of key workplace trends from Gallup’s research. Then, we will focus on specific actions leaders, managers and HR professionals can take to address these challenges. Take a look at developing new human capital dashboards and targeted solutions to critical organizational barriers and participate in an interactive discussion on tailoring solutions within your own organizational context to unleash the full potential of your workforce.


  • Discover ways to diagnose key human capital business problems and their root causes.
  • Leverage essential data analytics and best practices to architect solutions.
  • Orchestrate behavioral and cultural change.
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Strengths-based organizations fuel engagement, wellbeing and performance. Now that’s worth an Oscar. But how, exactly, does an organization become strengths-based? Join this session to hear practical ways to infuse a strengths-based approach in five simple steps. Walk away with best practices from Gallup’s research, hear lessons learned from other organizations and feel inspired by award-winning client stories.


  • Learn five simple steps to infuse a strengths-based approach across your organization.
  • Gain insight into new Gallup tools and learning that can be leveraged in your strengths strategy to reach specific audience groups.
  • Discover insights from organizations that have won the Don Clifton Strengths-Based Culture Award.
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How we think influences what we do. During this session, we will explore how slight shifts in your thinking around employee engagement data can have a large impact and influence. Engagement data is a snapshot in time and traditionally, managers and teams look at their engagement data to explain the past. What if we shifted our thinking and instead used it to influence the future? Join this session to pivot your mindset around data and explore new ways to use data to meet employee needs of the future.


  • Broaden how you think and talk about engagement data.
  • Discover ideas and new ways to use your data to tackle the future.
  • Help managers and teams learn through data, not just about data.
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4:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.


4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

Closing Keynote

Arianna Huffington Headshot

Arianna Huffington

Founder & CEO
Thrive Global

5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Experience Omaha Networking Event

Gallup Exceptional Workplace Awards Celebration
(In-person only, invitation only)

8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.

Breakfast & Networking

9:00 a.m.-9:45 a.m.

Keynote Kickoff

Vipula Gandhi Headshot

Vipula Gandhi

Managing Partner, Global Head of Enterprise Business

Jim Harter, Ph.D. Headshot

Jim Harter, Ph.D.

Chief Scientist, Workplace Management & Wellbeing

9:45 a.m.-10:00 a.m.


10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

Workshop Sessions


Questions are the backbone of coaching, and while some say there is never a bad question, the most powerful questions unlock insights and move people forward to their aspirational future. Most coaches are familiar with the three levels of listening: listen to respond, listen to understand and listen to emotions. Although it takes many disciplined hours of practice to listen at level three, there is a higher level: listening for the future to emerge. Join this session to learn how to use your strengths to craft powerful questions and listen at the fourth level.


  • Understand the components of how to listen at the fourth level.
  • Learn the anatomy of powerful questions.
  • Consider how knowing your strengths can improve your questioning and listening.
  • Leave prepared to apply fourth-level listening and powerful questioning in your role and your coaching.
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At the heart of every successful team lies a deeper understanding of each person’s natural talents and strengths, fueling insights to leverage them to achieve shared goals. If you are looking to supercharge a team’s performance and unlock its full potential, this interactive workshop will put you hands-on with a variety of team reports, tools and resources to support your ongoing work with teams.

For years, we have leaned heavily on the team grid as our primary tool in group conversations, making it a “must-have” for strengths-based teams looking to reach new heights in relationships, partnerships, engagement and performance. It is time to roll up your sleeves and dig into the latest enhancement to Gallup’s reporting suite: Gallup Cascade. Gallup Cascade expands the content, value and presentation of strengths information to a new level. In this workshop, you will join two experienced Gallup coaches as they guide you through a dynamic series of interactivities that will open new doors for you to optimize the value of team strengths.


  • Communicate the value of unleashing insights gained from team strengths knowledge.
  • Demonstrate the functionality and dynamic applications of Gallup Cascade.
  • Activate participants' ability to quickly apply learning with teams.
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Gallup research shows that organizations with engaged employees outperform those with less engaged employees. And workers who use their strengths in their job outperform those who don't. But what happens when companies nurture engagement and strengths simultaneously? What's the secret formula behind strengths plus engagement? How do they enhance each other? In this session, we will explore the relationship between engagement and strengths and the strategies and tools for teams to use to advance their engagement.


  • Explore the connections between strengths and engagement and the difference between thinking of them as tools and as a framework.
  • Create an action plan to connect engagement and strengths for your team or in your coaching.
  • Understand ways teams can create strengths-based engagement actions.
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What does the future of work look like? Each year, new challenges and disruptions face leaders and managers around the globe. What disruptions are in store for 2023 and beyond? Join this session to hear trends that Gallup experts are seeing and what it means for the workplace of the future. Hear from a panel that includes Gallup’s Chief Scientist and best-selling author Dr. Jim Harter, Principal Strategist Denise McLain, and Global Practice Leader Ed O’Boyle and is moderated by Subject Matter Expert Jillian Anderson. Walk away with new insights and ideas for how to “future-proof” your own organization.


  • Gain insight into the current state of work and issues that are top of mind for some of the world’s leading organizations.
  • Dive into different perspectives and strategies on some of the most pressing problems in today’s workplace.
  • Explore what Gallup’s research team is discovering around the future and what they foresee organizations should be doing to help “future-proof” their own organizations.


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The quality of managers and team leaders is the single biggest factor in an organization’s long-term success — and one of the most important factors for manager success is communication. How do you prepare a new manager for this task? How do you prepare a manager for the hard and easy conversations they will have or just how many conversations they need to have? Gallup has discovered a practical framework for how and when managers should have conversations with employees. Our research reveals five coaching conversations that enable managers to establish expectations, continually coach and create accountability. Attend this interactive session to learn how to equip managers with resources and information around communication to successfully lead their teams.


  • Explore the five conversations every manager needs to have with their team.
  • Discover practical tips on how to handle difficult conversations.
  • Understand the correlation between how often managers communicate with their teams and team engagement.
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11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.


12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.

Closing Keynote & Lunch

Dr. Meisha-ann Martin

Senior Director, People Analytics & Research

Theresa Ralston

Executive Director
The Estée Lauder Companies

1:15 p.m.-2:30 p.m.

Gallup at Work Post-Summit Workshops


Student success is about more than academics. It’s creating thriving young people who make a positive impact on society. The brand new CliftonStrengths for Students report, launching in June, connects students’ strengths to the way they learn, study, socialize, accomplish goals and more.

Join this session to be one of the first to sample the brand new CliftonStrengths for Students report and explore how you can leverage it in your teaching, coaching, advising and leadership. Participants will also learn about the impact the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Clifton Strengths Institute has on more than 1,000 incoming students each year with their Investing in Strengths course and one-on-one coaching.

Bring your ideas and questions to this interactive session as we work together to integrate strengths into the experience of more students, faculty and staff.


  • Explore the new CliftonStrengths for Students report.
  • Learn more about the history and current state of strengths development in education.
  • Consider ways to further integrate CliftonStrengths into your teaching, coaching, advising and leadership.
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Gallup & UNL Clifton Strengths Institute
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UNL Clifton Strengths Institute

No one becomes a successful coach by accident — it takes a significant investment of time, money and resources to build a thriving coaching practice. Whether you are a strengths coach embedded in an organization or building an independent coaching practice, this workshop will look at strategies, techniques and ideas for identifying and refining your personal brand, creating demand for your work, and building a successful, viable coaching practice.


  • Use your talents and experience to identify and accentuate your coaching brand and value proposition.
  • Develop strategies to create demand for your services — whether as an internal or independent coach.
  • Be more effective at having conversations with prospective clients about your services.
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